How to Host a Display Bridal Shower

Have you ever been to a bridal shower that’s run over in time simply because the bride-to-be took so long to open her gifts? We know we have! Or how about one where you’ve had to help take out bag after bag of gift-wrapping trash during cleanup? Yeah, we’ve been there too!
What you might not know is that there is a solution to both of these pesky predicaments and it’s called a display bridal shower. Also referred to as a ‘no wrap’ bridal shower, a display shower is the perfect choice for those brides who are not looking to waste time or paper.
Want to know how to pull it off? We’ve covered everything you need to know and more!
What is a Display Shower?
To put it simply, a display shower is one where guests bring their gifts unwrapped, save for a ribbon or bow, with a label or tag attached. These gifts are then put on display for all to see!
While some may find this type of gift-giving untraditional, a display bridal shower allows for the bride to spend more time interacting with loved ones and less time “oohing” and “ahhing” over pots and pans.
If you’re still not sure whether this is the right type of bridal shower for you, keep reading…
The Benefits of a Display Bridal Shower
We’ve briefly touched on the benefits of hosting a display bridal shower, but here are even more reasons why we love this idea:
- The flow of the bridal shower does not need to be interrupted for guests to gather around and watch the bride open her gifts.
- Neither the bride nor her guests need to feel uncomfortable or awkward during the gift-opening portion.
- Having bridal shower gifts on display for everyone to see can lead to conversations among guests.
- Whether you live an eco-friendly lifestyle or are simply looking for ways to cut down on waste, a display shower eliminates the need for wrapping paper and gift bags.
- On top of wiping out unnecessary waste, display showers cut cleanup time in half.
RELATED: Bridal Shower Gift Etiquette for Guests
Display Shower Invitation Wording
Now that you’re fully committed to hosting a display shower, you’ll need to let guests in on this detail. You can do this by sending out carefully worded instructions with your bridal shower invitations.
For some creative inspiration, here are some cute display bridal shower poems to use:
“Your thoughtful gift will be put on display,
So there’s no need to wrap it in any way.
A ribbon or bow will do just fine,
And give us more time to visit and dine!”
“We are opening gifts in a different way,
To save some time on this special day.
Write your name and attach a bow
To your unwrapped gift, so all will know.
Gifts will be displayed for all to see,
So you’ll have more time with the bride-to-be.”
“Traditions are changing and showers are, too.
So here’s an idea we’re hoping you’ll do.
Bring your gift without paper or a bag,
Simply use a bow and attach a gift tag.
An unwrapped present is just as sweet,
And will save more time to mingle and eat.
We’ll display your gift for all to see,
So we can relax and honor the bride-to-be!”
How to Set Up & Decorate the Display
The first step in setting up your bridal shower display table is the table itself. Because every gift needs to be visible (without shifting or moving others out of the way), it’s important to find a table or a few tables that are large enough to accommodate all of the gifts.
While it’s ok to put large or bulky gifts on the floor, try to place these items to the side so guests are still able to maneuver around. And though this should go without saying, we’ll say it anyway: DO NOT put any gifts under or behind the table.
As far as decorations go, it’s up to you if you want to put down a table cloth or leave it bare. If you are using table cloths throughout the shower (i.e. on food and drink tables), we suggest doing the same for the gift display table. If your tables are ornate as is, feel free to skip the extra step.
MODERN MOH TIP: Display our ‘Cards & Gifts’ sign on the table for some added flair!

Extra Display Bridal Shower Tips
Before you begin the planning process, here are a few final things to consider:
- Without gift bags, you won’t have anything to carry your gifts home in. Plan ahead and bring reusable bags to save yourself the extra trips back and forth to the car.
- In the chaos of organizing and stacking gifts, some tags or labels may come unattached from their package, which will make writing shower thank-you notes difficult for the bride. Keep this from happening by having a designated “gift receiver” to organize the display.
- There is bound to be at least one or two guests who forgot to label their gifts in the first place. Purchase extra tags and twine (plus a permanent marker!) so they can attach their label on the spot.
- No matter how delicately you word it, there may be guests (most likely older and more traditional) who are offended by this type of shower. Set aside special time to ‘open’ their gift in front of them and give your thanks.
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UP NEXT: How to Make Bridal Shower Gift Opening Less Boring